Another Way is a forthcoming book concerned with restoring the natural order on Earth. Humanity has long since deviated from it and the consequences have become increasingly evident. In spite of recognizing this, and our efforts to curtail it, the situation seems only to be worsening. We have every capability to address the problems, so why have we been unable to make much progress?
Our shortcomings lie in the fundamental way that we approach them. We tend to deal with things intellectually and empirically, which has its merits, but is limiting and negates other sources of intelligence. It’s also susceptible to an endless tug-of-war between the competing perspectives which exist on that level. Without a deeper, enduring consensus, we just go back and forth; one group asserting its viewpoint until another wrestles back control.
Even when we determine some sort of solution, we often face a whole new array of barriers to implementing it. Foremost among these is simply individual will. Change is hard. Especially so when it requires a good measure of discipline and commitment. When we’re oriented primarily to the mental and emotional aspects of our being, we’re more vulnerable to persuasion, from within as well as from without. It’s easier to be dissuaded from doing the right thing when we’re not anchored by a deeper conviction.
Herein lies the purpose of this book. Doing one’s part to bring peace and well-being to the world is a great challenge that requires more than reason and diligence to sustain. Transforming our fundamental way of being will take a commensurate transformation of consciousness. From there, universal wisdom and guidance become more accessible, giving us the clarity and resolve to manifest lasting change that will, ultimately, become second nature.
Another Way considers how we can find the path to this new world and envisions how it might look when we get there. We explore the nature and workings of consciousness and being, seeking to discover our true essence and purpose, then learning to embody it within every facet of our daily experience. This new reality is available to us all and, collectively, can empower us to revolutionize our role on the planet.